When you decide to move into a new apartment, you will hopefully be a good tenant who will not cause a ton of problems for the landlord along the way. You will pay your rent on time, keep your complaints to a minimum, clean up your apartment and some of the areas around it, and not cause your neighbors a ton of grief at the same time. But there are some tenants who will be disruptive or who may try to do illegal tasks while in the apartment, and the landlord will then need to deal with all of this along the way. 


This is another place where your lease is going to come into play. Your landlord will be able to restrict some disruptive and illegal activities of their tenants and they should list this information out in the lease. They will be able to list what constitutes disruptive and illegal behavior and what actions the landlord is allowed to take if the tenant is causing some of these issues. Some of the behavior that is considered unacceptable by most landlords would include:


# Excessive noise that is going to disturb the neighbors and those who are living nearby.
# Large parties and pool parties, even if the apartment does have a pool. You can ask the landlord if you want to have a small gathering or a birthday party.

# Drug dealing of any kind

# Underage drinking. 


As a tenant, you need to know what behaviors you are allowed to partake inn and which ones you need to avoid along the way. This will make it much easier to be on the right side of the landlord and can prevent some big problems, like eviction, down the line. If you have a question about a certain behavior, then ask the landlord and get it added to the lease before you agree to move in. If you are already in the apartment and you see someone else partaking in the behaviors above, then it is time to tell the landlord or property manager. 


There are a lot of different apartments that you can choose to call your own and make your home. But finding one that has the right amenities and all the space can take some time. We encourage you to come check out some of our great apartments for rent in SF to see if they are the right place for you to call home. We are confident these apartments will have everything you have wanted in your new place. Contact us today to learn more and to take a tour today.