While not a new process, many people these days have add tongue scraping to their twice-daily brush and floss routine. Others have simply been brushing their tongue with their toothbrush, and there are types of toothbrushes out there that are equipped with a way to take care of your tongue. However, if you haven’t tried actual tongue scraping, or never thought of it before, listen to how such a simple process can help you improve your oral health and your smile.


Tongue scraping is a fast way to remove debris, bacteria, and dead cells from the surface of your tongue. Typically, this process hould be done with a small, slightly rounded tool made from plastic or metal. There are plenty of products out there to handle the process safely, but you can also use common kitchen spoons. These are often ideal for tongue scraping, and always available to use and quickly wash! Tongue scraping is as simple as brushing, flossing, rinsing, and using a tongue scraper. But what are the many benefits of this simple addition to your routine.


There are many benefits of tongue scraping. It can improve your sense of taste, improve your tongue’s appearance, remove the bad bacteria that causes bad breath and plaque, and improve your oral health overall. While tongue scraping does reduce bad breath, it is important to remember that it only does so when you do it consistently with daily brushing. Tongue scraping can also nourish good bacteria when done right - and promote repair and growth of damaged cells on your tongue.


When you first perform a tongue scraping, look into the mirror, stick out yourself, and gently place the rounded end of the scraper, or spoon, onto the back of your tongue. Gently touch the scraper to your tongue, pulling it forward toward the tip. One or two should be enough, and be sure to wipe the scraper off after each wipe. For some people, going back “too far” with a tongue scraper may remove good bacteria and stimulate gag reflexes. Vomiting while brushing your teeth is never a fun experience, so when you are just starting out with tongue scraping, be careful! 


General dentistry includes a lot of aspects of your oral health. Going to the dentist means scheduling routine checkups, getting treatment for oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer screenings, and even turning your teeth Hollywood white if you so choose. Seeing a dentist on a regular basis can help you learn about the little things that help you keep up with your oral health, including tongue scraping and other tips that keep your family health.