No matter what urban area you live in there is always going to be traffic congestion. This means longer commute times your quality of life is less not to mention the health issues from the increased traffic. Cities worldwide are grappling with the negative impacts of heavy traffic. These come in all shapes and forms including increased air pollution and reduced economic productivity. Here are some of the biggest impacts of traffic congestion.


More Cars Equals More Accidents


It simply comes with the territory, The more cars you have in the road the more accidents you have on the road. This is one of the most significant consequences of traffic congestion. When the roads are clogged with vehicles it's a statistical fact that there's going to be an increase in collisions. This is most especially true in high-density areas because space is limited period drivers also become frustrated or distracted. In places like Elk Grove, navigating through traffic can be challenging and leads to higher occurrence of accidents. GJEL Attorneys And others specialize in handling these types of cases. Definitely keep an eye out so that if you're ever in an accident you can get the compensation you deserve.


Extra Traffic Can Be Bad For Your Health


Traffic congestion can have long-term health impacts. We are talking about the exposure to those vehicle emissions that you hear about in the news. Larger quantities of these emissions can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems. Many newer urban planners are advocating for better public transportation options to reduce traffic in cities. They also want to implement green spaces to help filter the error improving air quality and providing city dwellers with healthier living environments.


It Drops Economic Activity


When people are sitting in traffic no business is happening. Time spent in traffic is time lost when it comes to businesses and individuals. Studies have shown that traffic congestion reduces productivity and increases stress levels. City traffic is a daily struggle so finding solutions to reduce this type of congestion is a big part of maintaining economic vitality.


How Can We Fix It?


Traffic congestion is actually one of the biggest things that keeps people from living in the city not to mention it would be one of the biggest thorns for those who do live in the city. Cities can create safer, healthier, and more productive environments for their residents. Decreasing traffic congestion can reduce the number of accidents and improve air quality. Focusing on sustainability and clean air can make living in the city all that more appealing. Living in the city doesn't have to mean car accidents and dirty air try looking for one that has the public transportation and the green spaces that improve city living for everyone.