There is no time quite like getting ready to move to show you how much stuff you really have. You will likely start to realize that you need to get rid of more than a few things before you start packing for a move. The key to getting this project accomplished is decluttering. Much like spring cleaning, really dig into every corner of your home and question all the items you have and whether you actually need them. As you start to declutter your home before a move, keep a few things in mind.


Whenever you plan a move, it is best to start early. Generally, start at least 4 to 6 weeks in advance. This will give you plenty of time to sort through your clothes, dishes, knick knacks, and everything else and take the time to consider whether you want to donate, sell, or toss. When you start early, you avoid all of the silly mistakes caused by procrastination. You won’t spend more money than necessary because you aren’t going to pack anything that shouldn’t come with you.


Continuing along your pre-move decluttering project, start with rooms you use the least. Start with your spare room, basement, attic, and garage. Starting with essential rooms like the kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms means that you have to take things out of boxes later and it will cause more confusion and stress. Instead, start with those rooms you rarely use to test out your decluttering strategies and make the most of the time you have before a move. Remember to pack as you go.


And, ultimately, decluttering your home before a move leads to packing with pride and purpose. If your children have clothing in their closets that they’ve grown out of, you don’t need to take these things to a new home. You can pack with more intention by donating these items and only taking what you need. Decluttering is not only about getting rid of things that you don’t need, but about keeping the things that you need the most. Pack with purpose and intent, and you’ll be putting far fewer boxes to put in the moving truck.


Whether you are moving into one of the beautiful and spacious two bedroom apartments in Irving or you’ve find your dream home, decluttering before you move is always a good item. Get rid of, or donate, or sell, everything that you don’t need, and you won’t have to bring these unnecessary things to the next chapter of your life.