Are you ready to find a good way to start saving your money, without having to worry about adding it into the budget? Maybe you have some savings ready to go, but you want to be able to take it to the next level and put some extra aside for a rainy day or a big expense that you are trying to get ready for. No matter what your goal is for your money, you need to find a way to make savings more fun so that you will be able to make that happen.


Picking out a  good savings challenge is going to be the key that you need to get all of this done. This can take the boring task of saving and make it into a big challenge that will help you have some fun. You can quickly find some great savings challenges online that you can try, but one to work on, especially if you want to get something fun for your new apartment, is the roll the dice challenge. Since you are going to be able to use dice, it will feel like more of a game than other options.


With this one, you can choose to go with a virtual dice online or go with an actual dice. It is up to you. Whatever number the dice gives you, that is the amount that you will put into your savings. You can do one dice, two, or some other combination and even add a 0 behind the number. So, if you rule a 6, you would put $60 into savings for that time.


You need to choose how often to do this. You could do it each morning to come up with a savings goal or once a week. If you are able to get high numbers every time you roll, then you could end up with a lot of money in savings, especially if you do this each day. Even the smaller numbers will add up and you will have a good amount of extra savings each year doing this.


Finding enough space for you and some roommates can be a lot of fun. You will need to look at some of the options that are out there and then pick one that speaks to you the most. We welcome you to come take a look at some of the options that we have available, including our  two-bedroom apartments in Buckhead. We are confident that you will want to make these all your own in no time with a convenient location and plenty of amenities. Contact us today to take a tour and to learn more.