Similar to metal braces, ceramic braces have many of the same advantages. They are a unique option for improving your smile. Still, there are several advantages and disadvantages to choosing ceramic braces. It is essential that you understand what ceramic braces are, how they differ from other types of braces, and how they can potentially improve your smile and dental health.

Ceramic braces, as mentioned, are similar to metal braces. The primary difference, however, is that the brackets are clear or tooth-colored, rather than obvious metal and wires. If you are concerned about aesthetic when you consider braces, ceramic braces may be a viable option for you. Another advantage of ceramic braces is that they move teeth faster than clear aligners, such as Invisalign. They also work for more severe problems with bites or crowded teeth. You can choose whether you want clear or tooth-colored brackets, based on your preference.

There are several benefits of ceramic braces, but making an informed decision means considering the downsides. Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces, so for those on a budget, ceramic may not be an option. Ceramic braces also cause gum sensitive, which can potentially lead to swollen or receding gums if they aren’t cleaned correctly. Ceramic braces may also stain if not well-maintained. They are also less durable than metal braces, and are twice as likely to fracture. And, compared to metal braces rather than clear aligners, ceramic braces move teeth slower. 

If your adult teeth have come already come in, ceramic braces are recommended before metal braces. Choosing ceramic braces allow you to quickly correct adult teeth. They also lower the risk of breaking brackets as teeth are realigned. And, if you are eligible for both metal and ceramic braces, ceramic is the less noticeable choice. Especially if you are an adult and do not like the look of metal wires and brackets, ceramic braces may be right for you. 

Ceramic braces take between one and three years to realign and improve your smile. Metal braces, on the other hand, can change your smile after less than a year, but may be necessary for up to three years. The process is longer because ceramic braces are less durable. Ceramic braces have a slower adjustment time, but there are other advantages to using ceramics.

When you are considering braces and do not want them to be as noticeable as traditional braces, ask the dental team at Superior Care Orthodontics about ceramic braces. While there are both advantages and disadvantages to ceramic braces, only you and your dentist can make the best decision for your overall oral health.