Roof decking is an important part of your roof, and therefore for your whole home. It is going to basically be the wooden foundation for the entire roof and if there is some reason that the water will get to this decking, it can create some serious problems. This can include problems like structural damage, mold, and mildew to name a few. This is why you need to have a good roof that is not old and can provide some protection for the roof decking.


If you find that the roof decking starts to rot and there are some serious points of compromise I more than one area, then it is a good idea to look at a new roof. It is possible that a roofing contractor will be able to do some repairs, but they can be extensive and may end up costing more than a full replacement of the roof. It is easy to miss out on some of the decking problems that are found on your roof without taking the old one off.


Even though it is hard to see the decking damage, you can sometimes see it from the attic if the situation is becoming dire. You can go into the attic ad look up for any discoloration. If you start to see some discoloration on the roof or some dark spots, then this is a sign that the bottom of the roofing materials are soaked and it has gone down through to the wood. It is time to get things replaced now before you ruin the whole structure. The problem has been there for a long time at this point.


Just because you can’t see some of the damage immediately doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Even if you can’t see the discoloration that we just discussed, if there was a big storm or you suspect damage, talking to a roofing contractor is often a good idea.


A full roof replacement may be the best decision for your home. This can be expensive, but when the roof is older or you have quite a bit of damage from a big storm, it is time to get it done before it causes more damage to the whole home. If this is something that needs to be done for you, then contact a member of our team to do an inspection and help you get a quote for all the work that needs to be done. We can work with you, and your home insurance, to make sure that you get a great roof that is going to last a long time. Contact a member of our team to learn more.