When you turn on your water heater, you expect to get some warm water to come out. Whether you are using the water to help heat up the tub for a warm bath or shower or to help with some of your cleaning, you want to be able to get that warm water out and have enough to finish the task at hand. But in some cases, you may turn on the water heater, get some hot water, but then halfway through the shower, you are doused with some cold water instead.


If you find that your water heater is able to produce the hot water that you want, but it is not producing enough to help you get your job done. This is often a sign that your water heater is not big enough to keep up with the size of home that you have or how many people are using it at the same time. There are a few simple solutions that you can use that will help handle this problem, at least temporarily. These include:


# Limit how long you are in the shower. Shortening the time that you take a shower by even a few minutes can help the water heart keep up.

# Install a low-flow shower head so that it is not going to be able to use as much water as before.

# Spread out the use of the hot water to different times of the day. For example, wash the dishes in the morning and do the laundry in the evening.


Keep in mind that if your unit is not undersized for the home or usage that you need it for or it suddenly produces less hot water compared to what it did before, it is possible that at least one of the heating elements failed. If the water you get is lukewarm for the entire time of the shower, then this means the upper heating element is wearing out. Hot water that runs out quickly could mean the lower heating unit is not working well. Call in a professional to come out to help.


When you are worried about your hot water heater and whether it is going to be able to keep up with some of the usages that you have for it, then it is time to take a look at a professional plumber in Red Bank to help you get the work done. Our team of professionals can step in to answer your questions, show you what is wrong with your water heater, and so much more. Contact us today!