Clogged drains are fairly common. Whether you are renting from someone or you own your own home, it is likely that you have had a drain or two that gets clogged over time. This can be the shower drain, the drain in the bathtub, and even one of the sinks. Taking care of it immediately and not allowing the clog to stick around for too long can be critical if you would like to keep your home safe and not cause more damage to the piping than necessary.


In some cases, you will be able to fix the issue with a clogged drain on your own. You will be able to use some drain cleaner from the store to get a small clog out, you may have your own snake that you can use to clear things up, or even a plunger can work in some situations. If the clog is small enough and you catch the clog early enough, this is a simple fix that you can do, without having to call in the professionals.


But in some cases, the situation will get worse than that and you will find it almost impossible to clear out the clog on your own. When that happens, rather than just ignoring it and letting the clog get worse, you can contact a professional to come and take care of some of the work and remove the clog, before the issue gets worse.


The good news is that most of the time, a clogged drain is going to be easy to fix. You can use a plunger to help if the clog is in the toilet or a drain snake can help to get the clog out from a shower or a sink. But if you try these remedies, do not ignore the problem, as that can break the piping and will cost a lot of money. Choose to get a professional over to help instead.


We are the plumbing company that you should trust for all of your needs. We know how important the pipes and plumbing in your home and office can be and how much of a headache they can cause when they are not working properly. That is why our team wants to be there to help you every step of the way. Whether you are dealing with a major issue like a pipe that burst or you have something smaller to work on like clogged drains or low water pressure, we are happy to send out a professional to take over and help you every step of the way. Contact a member of our team today to learn more.