Impulse buying can be tough because it can keep us from a lot of our goals. We may have the best intentions to put money back to help pay for a bigger apartment or for some of those moves that we want to do, but then we go for some of those smaller purchases that can add up big by the end of the month. Finding out what causes us to impulse buy and then making a plan to avoid it is going to be one of the best things that we can do to help make our budget stronger than ever before. Some of the simple steps that you can  do here will include:


# Make a budget and stick with it: Your budget is going to tell you how to spend your money and puts you in control. If you have a good budget in place and you are willing to stick with it, you are less likely to do an impulse buy that will throw it all off.

# Give yourself permission to spend: Sometimes, when the budget is too restrictive, you will find that it is hard to stick with it and you will overspend. Give yourself some permission to spend so that you will be able to have some fun, without feeling like you are stuck.

# Wait a day or more to make a purchase: if it is something as small as a pop or a candy bar, you will forget all about it and not even care. But if it is a bigger purchase, a day of waiting is going to help you to not make the purchase or decide if it is worth it.

# Use cash: This can limit how much you are allowed to spend. When the cash is gone, you have nothing left and have to call it good for the day.

# Keep the emotions out: If you feel emotional that day, then do not go out shopping. This is true even if you need to pick up some groceries.


Sometimes, you need a bit more space to call a place your own. That is where a two-bedroom apartment is going to be just right for you. We welcome you to come take a look at our  two bedroom apartments near UCLA to see if the location, the amenities, and everything else are right for all your needs. We love our community and we are certain that you will too from the moment you walk in the door. Contact a member of our team today to take a tour and to find your new home today.