There are a lot of steps that you will need to keep up with when it comes to moving into an apartment. Before the landlord hands over the keys though, you will need to look over the lease that they will provide. You may think that this is just a list of rules and that the landlord is doing it to be unfair. But this is actually a legal document that will protect both you and the landlord while you live in the rental. You will need to read through it ahead of time to make sure that you understand the rules and are willing to follow them while you live there.


It is important to read every part of the lease and make sure that you fully understand and agree with it all. There are a few sections that you will see on the lease, even though the landlord can make their own individual one to work for them. One of these sections is the terms.


The terms section is going to be close to the top of the lease and it is going to include all of the terms that the landlord wants you to follow in relation to the lease and even the cost of your rent. The leases will vary, so some will write out the dates and the rent amount, and others will have a clause that will state when things start and when they end. The landlord can decide how they would like to do this, but it is important. Go through and read this part and make sure it lines up with what the landlord stated when you were doing a walk-through.


You will want to double-check that the rent amount is written down with what you agreed upon and that the lease start day, which is the day that you can move in, and the lease end date, and the day you have to move out. If you do not see the dollar amount of the rent, or the landlord wrote it down wrong, then you should not sign the lease. Get it fixed and come back to fix it.


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