No one wants to have all of their life upended by one bad mistake. But because driving while intoxicated can cause damage and injury to so many people in a short amount of time if things go wrong, there are often some stiff penalties that go along with it when you are caught driving while intoxicated. This is why you need to consider all the factors and work with a qualified lawyer ahead of time to ensure that you have the right legal counsel to make it through all of this.


One of the terms that you need to know in your case is per se impairment. All states have a law about this. And under this, if your alcohol level is at or above what is considered the legal limit, then you are considered intoxicated under the law. The law enforcement officer who found you and the prosecution will need no other proof that you were intoxicated if you are able to meet this one thing. Depending on the state, your legal limit is going to be somewhere between 0.05% and 0.08%.


This can make it hard to come up with a case that will work well if you are at or above those limits. This can be even worse if you are a minor or you are otherwise under the legal age to consume alcohol. In this case, any amount of alcohol in your system, even if it is under the limits above, will lead to your arrest. This is because most states are going to have zero tolerance laws when it comes to alcohol and other drugs.


If you were given a field test and were at or above the limits, it can seem like your case is lost. This is a hard thing to fight off on your own. But working with the right legal professionals can make a difference. We will be able to work with you to look at the evidence and make sure that you can come up with a legal defense that is good for your needs.


Dealing with a DUI charge is not a fun time for anyone. You need to seek out the right legal counsel as soon as possible so that you have someone on your side to handle the work and make sure that you are safe and will not run into any problems in the process. Our DUI lawyer will be able to meet with you, discuss some of the specifics of your case, and give you the results that make the most sense for your needs. Contact a member of our team today to learn more.