Dealing with a maintenance issue in an apartment can be frustrating, but knowing how to contact a property manager can make the process much smoother. It’s important to get problems fixed quickly to keep the living space comfortable and safe so here’s a simple guide on how to reach out to a property manager about maintenance issues.


Gather Information

Before contacting the property manager, gather all the necessary information about the issue. Make a note of what’s wrong, when it started, and any steps you’ve already taken to fix it. For example, if there’s a leak, write down where it is, how long it has been leaking, and if anything was done to stop it. Taking pictures or videos of the problem can also be helpful. This way, the property manager has a clear understanding of the issue.


Find Contact Details

Next, find the property manager’s contact details. This information is usually provided when moving in, often in the lease agreement or a welcome packet. If the contact information isn’t easily found, check the apartment complex’s website like these two-bedroom apartments in East Nashville have, or the community bulletin board. Many places also have an online portal where maintenance requests can be submitted directly.


Contact the Property Manager

When you are ready to contact the property manager, choose the best method. If the issue is urgent, like a broken heater in winter or a major leak, calling is the fastest way. For less urgent issues, an email or using the online maintenance request system works well. Be clear and concise in describing the problem. Include all the gathered information and any photos or videos. If sending an email, it’s a good idea to follow up with a phone call to make sure the request was received.


Be Polite and Professional

It’s important to be polite and professional when contacting the property manager. Being calm and respectful helps ensure the request is taken seriously and is handled promptly. Remember, the property manager is there to help, and a good relationship can make future interactions easier and less stressful.


Follow Up

After making the initial contact, follow up if there’s no response within a reasonable timeframe. Politely remind the property manager about the issue and ask for an update. Keeping a record of all communications, including dates and times, can be helpful if there are delays or further problems.


Know Your Rights

Lastly, it’s good to know tenant rights regarding maintenance issues as you reach out for help about a particular issue. Most leases outline the landlord’s responsibilities for repairs and maintenance. If the property manager is unresponsive or the repairs are not made in a reasonable time, there may be further steps you can take, such as contacting a tenant’s rights organization for advice.



Contacting a property manager about a maintenance issue may seem like a hassle, but in reality, with a few simple steps and some prepping, it can be pretty straightforward. Be professional and polite, state your issues clearly, and be patient as well as diligent about following up in a reasonable timeframe.