Emergency situations require people to act quickly, move logically, and put their personal needs aside for those that need help the most. Firefighters, nurses, and first responders are often at the forefront of emergency situations. However, technology can also play a big role in how we as people help solve and quell emergency situations. Distributed Antenna Systems, or DAS, is a powerful technology that not only improves our ability to communicate, but find each other and get through emergencies and natural disasters.


Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) and Emergency Responder Radio Communication Systems (ERRCS) are systems that help first responders communicate during emergencies in buildings that otherwise may have connectivity issues. DAS systems are networks of antennas that distribute signals from an amplifier to other antennas, rather than traditional systems wherein wireless coverage is emitted from one antenna. DAS systems can be especially helpful in areas where signal reception is weak, such as elevators, garages, basements, and stairwells. These systems also improve connectivity for occupants, allowing them to make the emergency calls and communicate as necessary during an emergency situation. 


ERRCS is a newer building code that addresses communication for emergency personnel. DAS and ERRCS are also known as Public Safety DAS and ERRC. Many cities in the United States have local ordinances and codes that require in-building coverage for first responders to ensure things go smoothly in emergencies. There are several factors that determine whether Public safety DAS is required. These include building size and layout, the type of occupants, local building codes, and the needs of local emergency response. Current RF, or radiofrequency, coverage is also considered.


There are several components that make up a Public Safety DAS system. The donor antenna, the antenna that receives the radio frequency, and bi-directional amplifiers to ensure the area is covered. Other components include coaxial antenna, repeaters, a control panel, a battery backup system, and an emergency power-off switch. Building owners have to juggle a lot of responsibilities, and while this may be a large project, it is critical to much more than staying up to code. 


Distributed Antenna, or DAS, systems are a powerful technology in keeping cities, countries, and even the world connected. Rather than relying on one or a few antennas, we can continually build the system to upgrade the coverage as it becomes necessary. And fortunately, this technology also helps to lead us out emergency situations and natural disasters.