As you are working on your budget to handle some of the expenses of living in an apartment, you will need to consider some of the different types of insurance options that are out there and see which one is going to be right for all your needs. As a business owner, there are some specific insurance options that you can choose from, and not all of them are necessary depending on your industry. One type of insurance that a lot of business owners will overlook and assume they do not need is long-term disability insurance. But when they need it, they will often regret that they didn’t spend the money on it.


If you have a health condition or some kind of accident that prevents you from working, you can rely on your disability insurance to kick in and give your family the income that they need. More than 25% of 20-year-olds today can expect that they will miss at least one year of work before they get to retirement due to a disability. Do you have a plan in place to help pay the bills if something happened and you were not able to pay the bills for a year or more?


There are two types of disability insurance: Short-term and long-term. You should not bother your time with the short-term disability because it is only going to cover you for three to six months. You can use your emergency fund or find some other methods to help if you only need help for that short of a time period. Long-term disability is going to be a better option and will provide you with more coverage.


A good way to purchase your disability insurance is to get enough coverage to pay for 60 to 65% of the regular income that you would earn during that time period. This will give you a chance to not have to rely on your income as much and if your partner or spouse is still earning an income, you can save some money on the insurance as well. You will have to look at your own personal needs to see what is going to work the best.


If you are looking for a new home that you can call all your own, then look no further than our Biltmore apartments to see if they are the right choice for your needs. We are confident that you will love the amenities, the space, and everything else that comes with these amazing apartments. We welcome you to come take a tour and explore what we have to offer and to learn more about our great apartments today.