If you’re thinking about living in Riverside, California, you’ll definitely want to know where all of the hidden gems are. Of course, you can also stop by these hidden gem locations if you’re just passing through, but those who are looking for apartments in Riverside are in luck. Why, you might ask? Well, because you’ll have more time to explore all that Riverside has to offer.


In this article, we’ll be going over the best things to do in Riverside. We won’t just be covering the usual tourist attractions, though — we’ll be talking about some of the more “hidden” places in and around the city that you absolutely can’t miss. From the Unofficial McDonald’s Museum to the World’s Largest Paper Cup, Riverside has got it all. Let’s take a closer look below.


The Unofficial McDonald’s Museum

According to McDonald's Corporation, their first official location is in Des Plaines, Illinois. However, the actual first McDonald's restaurant is now an unauthorized museum owned by the Juan Pollo chicken chain. The McDonald brothers' original restaurant was later bought by Ray Kroc, who transformed it into the franchise it is today.


The original building was demolished in 1971 and the site was foreclosed in 1998. Albert Okura, who was a fan of McDonald's and the owner of Juan Pollo, purchased the site, moved his company's headquarters there, and built a museum filled with McDonald's memorabilia, including the largest collection of pre-Kroc items. It’s definitely worth checking out!


The Ark of Citrus

At the University of California Riverside Citrus Variety Collection (which is also known as the Noah's Ark of citrus), over 1,000 types of citrus fruits are grown. Here, unusual varieties of citrus fruits (like striped lemons, and large pomelos) are used for research and breeding. This is a super unique location in Riverside, so it’s worth seeing at least once.


The World’s Largest Paper Cup

This attraction might seem a bit strange to some. Why would anyone want to see a 68-foot-tall concrete statue of a paper cup (let alone build such a thing in the first place)? Well, the answer is: a lot of people want to see it. This paper cup has history behind it, after all!


The World’s Largest Paper Cup formerly marked the location of the Lily-Tulip Cup Corporation. This company eventually shut down in 1997, but the World’s Largest Paper Cup is still there. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures if you decide to go see it!


Final Thoughts

There are plenty of hidden gems to see in Riverside, California. Whether you’re looking for a new place to live or are simply passing through, you’re sure to find something that’s worth writing home about!