Having a roommate can make a lot of sense for many people. This is another person to have around to hang out with, to pay the rent, and to help handle some of the utilities and the chores that are necessary when living in an apartment. You can choose to pick out an apartment that is just for you, but then you will have to make more sacrifices because of your finances compared to living with a roommate.


While there may be quite a few benefits of choosing to move in with a roommate, you also have to remember there can be some potential problems. Taking a look at writing a roommate agreement could be key to ensuring that both parties have their voices heard and can get along. Some of the benefits of writing a roommate agreement include:


# You can list some of the things that would bother you in the apartment and get it out in the open, before moving in. This allows everyone to come up with a solution together when they are not emotional in the heat of the moment.

# Your roommate gets a chance to bring up some of the things that may bother them and you can both hash out all of the issues before you have to live together.

# You can get things in writing so that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect once it is time to move into the apartment.

# This can be a great way to make sure that the relationship you have with your roommate is going to be smooth sailing right from the beginning and that there will be no misunderstandings along the way.

# Can help prevent lots of fights and disagreements when you live with someone else. It is normal to view the world differently, but if you don’t talk it out with the roommate before you move in, these little problems can become big ones. A roommate agreement will help prevent this.


It is time to come take a look at our Hollywood high rise apartments to see if they are right for you. These apartments will have some of the amenities and great features you are looking for in your new home. From amazing amenities to all of the features that you desire, we are confident that you will fall in love with them in no time. And a secure location will make this a place you want to live. When you are ready to find the right new home for your needs, contact a member of our team today for a tour.